Torre dei Lamberti
Palazzo del Comune with Torre dei Lamberti
Great view over Verona
A special attraction in Verona, besides the Roman arena, is the Palazzo del Comune with its looming Torre dei Lamberti. You can enjoy the best view over Verona from the tower and get a good impression of the position and appearance of the city. Right next to the tower you can reach the Piazza dei Signori through the Arco della Costa.
Palazzo del Comune – the oldest city hall in Italy
The Palazzo del Comune, also called Palazzo della Ragione, was probably built in 1193 and is the oldest city hall in Italy. Originally the construction included four massive towers of which only the Torre dei Lamberti and a stump of a second tower remain. Three major fires in 1218, 1541 and 1723 destroyed large parts of the building, including the towers. After several modifications, the palace reached its present form. The magnificent neo-classical façade facing the Piazza delle Erbe was preserved, while at the rear of the palace at the Piazza dei Signori it appears in a Renaissance style.
The Palazzo del Comune was the seat of the government of Verona – the great council of the city met regularly in the big hall on the first floor. In the large courtyard with the beautiful staircase there was originally a market – this is where the performances of the Verona Summer Theatre Festival take place today. Tickets and information can be found at www.estateteatraleveronese.it. Occasional art exhibitions have been held at the palace since 2007.
View from the Torre dei Lamberti
The 83-metre-high Torre dei Lamberti was built in 1172 and was the only tower in Verona that belonged to the Lamberti family. In 1464 the octagonal tower floor with its two bells “Rengo” and “Marangona” was added to the basement. The “Rengo” bell called the people to arms in case of an attack, while the “Marangona” ball announced the end of a working day or a fire in the city.
You can enjoy a beautiful view over Verona from the observation deck of the tower. The top can be reached either by lift or by climbing 368 arduous steps. In fine weather you will also have a nice view over the surrounding hills.
€ 6,-
Opening hours
free entrance with VeronaCard