Scuola Grande di San Rocco
Scuola Grande di San Rocco
School of great Venetian painters
The Scuola Grande di San Rocco is the best preserved of the six major schools (Scuola – similar to the guilds) in Venice. It was built after the plague years in 1477 by two fraternities and was dedicated to St. Roch of Montpellier. The Scuola Grande di San Rocco became relatively wealthy very fast and they were able to build themselves a reasonable building between the two churches San Rocco and Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. The most famous member of the Scuola was the painter Jacopo Tintoretto, who gave the building one of the most extensive biblical cycles of Italian painting – including many of his greatest works in the years up to 1588.
The paintings by Tintoretto
There is already an artistic highlight on the ground floor of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, the Marie cycle by Tintoretto. From the “Annunciation” to the “Adoration of the Magi” and “Innocents in Bethlehem” the magnificent illustrations end with the “Presentation of Jesus in the Temple” and the “Assumption of Mary”. Exciting light-dark effects and dramatic and disturbing imagery colour effects characterise the works of Tintoretto.
Entering the great hall upstairs through the staircase, two more wonderful series of pictures appear. On the wall there are depictions from the New Testament,from the birth of Christ to his baptism and his deeds to the Last Supper and the resurrection. This is an excellent depiction of the life of Christ by Tintoretto here. There is also the altar of Rochus with statues by Girolamo Campagna and more paintings to be found in the room. These include Titian’s “Annunciation” as well as Tiepolo’s two paintings “Hagar in the desert is comforted by an angel” and “Abraham and the Angels”. The “Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth” is again a work by Tintoretto himself
Unlike the murals, the paintings on the ceiling show scenes from the Old Testament. Mirrors in the room make it easier to admire the art of Tintoretto. In the small meeting room, one painting in particular deserves special attention. The “Crucifixion” by Tintoretto is probably one of his most emotional works. The other paintings in the room are also by Tintoretto – many of them are early works by the painter.
€ 7,-
Opening hours
Landing stage: San Tòma